The Benefits Utilization Imperative — AHIP 2022

A recap of AHIP 2022, including a video of Jason's speaker session.

Last month, we attended the AHIP 2022 conference in Las Vegas. It was great to see many of our colleagues and learn about some exciting healthcare initiatives and ideas. And we were pretty excited to share some of our ideas, too.

Jason Bornhorst, our CEO and co-founder, led "The Benefits Utilization Imperative" session, where he shared findings from our recent study with the Harris Poll on how Americans use their healthcare benefits. Here's some interesting data from the survey:

  • 58% of members can't keep track of their benefits.
  • 51% of members contacted their plan regarding their benefits coverage.
  • 65% of members feel dumb navigating health care.

But you don't have to read the session notes—we've got a video! Watch the video below to learn why improving benefit utilization is best for everyone. 

Josh Hostetler

Josh leads content for First Dollar. Before First Dollar, Josh led writing teams building regulated education courses at Aceable, taught First Grade, waited tables at Olive Garden, and wore many other hats. He misses the breadsticks.